Showing posts with label Karnataka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karnataka. Show all posts

Sunday 24 June 2012

Safety Measures

Enjoy- But Not at the Risk of Your Life

Most of you must have heard about Manipal, in relation with higher education. Yes, the place is renowned for the university called Manipal University. This place is located at a distance of about 65 Km from Mangalore and close to the temple city of Udipi in Kartnataka. Manipal is just 8 Km away from the Arabian Sea.

This town of Manipal was initially a barren hill with few trees, which was transformed into a University town by Dr. T.M.A. Pai in the year 1950. Now this city has two universities which impart higher education to nearly 70,000 students every year.

Manipal University
Manipal has got its name from MannuPalla Lake, in Tullu language Mannu means mud and Palla means lake. This beautiful lake near the university campus is often visited by the students of the universities and by the tourists too, as it offers boating facilities to the visitors.

Unfortunately, the people especially the youngsters forget the safety rules completely, when they go out with their friends for outings. They give prime importance to fun forgetting their surroundings, which may lead to untoward incidences.

The same thing happened with the three students of Manipal University in the early hours of Saturday that is on 16th June 2012, when they went for boating in the MannuPalla Lake after dinner at around 1.45 am.

MannuPalla Lake
One amongst the three students was my friend’s daughter who used to live in the university hostel away from her parents. She along with her two friends went for a boat ride in a celebratory mood at around 1.45 am, on a boat which was lying on the bank of the lake. Unfortunately, the boat had a hole, which was not noticed by them. Water gushed in, but they could notice this, only when they reached the mid of the lake. Realizing this they all panicked and the boat capsized. Only one of them could swim back and the other two got drowned.

As a parent of a daughter, I would like to request all the youngsters to take care of your lives, as your life is very precious to you as well as to your parents. We all must enjoy and have fun, but we should always know what we are doing and what will be its impact, because some mistakes done can never be corrected. The important safety measures for our young generation are:

  • Keep check on your emotions. For example in the fit of rage do not cause any harm to anyone, while driving vehicle do not cross the speed limit etc.
  • Late night outings should be avoided as most of the places are not at all safe in the night.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the place.
  • Avoid being in the lonely places and always try to be in the crowd.